I feel kind of, well, crummy about starting this review off with a negative but, as part of Radical Publishing’s “Bigger Book! Bigger Value!” brand, this mammoth 60-page issue doesn’t play into the promise of “more story for less bucks,” as “Incarnate” follows the standard anime tradition of quick-paced pages, causing the 60 pages to leave you with as much story as a 23-page comic. That little nugget of trouble could be alleviated quite easily as we are trained to drop three to four dollars on a regular book every month, so the question is: is the story enough to warrant the five-dollar price tag?h, how the world has changed since “Incarnate” #1. “Jon and Kate Plus Eight” has become just “Kate Plus Eight” (refresh your memory with my review of the first issue, and Joel McHale has his own show on network television. But, has “Incarnate,” the vampire comic by Gene Simmons’ son, Nick Simmons, shed some of it’s growing pains from the first issue? Um, not exactly.
I feel kind of, well, crummy about starting this review off with a negative but, as part of Radical Publishing’s “Bigger Book! Bigger Value!” brand, this mammoth 60-page issue doesn’t play into the promise of “more story for less bucks,” as “Incarnate” follows the standard anime tradition of quick-paced pages, causing the 60 pages to leave you with as much story as a 23-page comic. That little nugget of trouble could be alleviated quite easily as we are trained to drop three to four dollars on a regular book every month, so the question is: is the story enough to warrant the five-dollar price tag?
Enjoying this? Then read the rest of my review of Incarnate Issue 2 at the link below: