Thursday, April 30, 2009

Movie Review: Star Trek (2009)

Boldly going where no Trekkie has gone before… The mainstream!

Roughly three minutes. That’s all it took for white to become black, in my world. Three minutes filled with glossy shots of close quarters, ship-to-ship battles, freefalling Starfleet thrill-seekers and foaming at the mouth Romulans. You see I’m a Star Wars kinda guy. I like that we don’t have a name; we’re just people who like, sometimes fanatically, the world Georgey Boy created. I was the lesser of the two warring geek factions. The ones with the 501st, not the Klingon translation works of Shakespeare. But in those three minutes J.J. Abrams had released a trailer (the third one I think) that put into question my whole world view. In the immortal words of Dr. Emmett Brown, “Great Scott”, I was in a serious paradoxical dilemma!

But as the opening moments of J.J. Abrams’ “reboot” of this hallow Sci-Fi franchise played across the screen, I forgot all about whether it was right to cheat on my allegiance. I just sat in awe of what Abrams and crew were pulling off.

Enjoying this? Then read the rest of my advance review of the new Star Trek movie on at the link below:

Monday, April 20, 2009

Scribbles on a Notepad: I met Superman today… he was taller than I thought.

It’s funny really, in many of my writing assignments I’m asked to make sure my personal opinion doesn’t show up as a character. This isn’t an easy thing for me to do. So when Gary and Richard gave me my own space in the COMICNEWS team to write a column, I was elated! But, as I sat thinking about my first post (translation: watching Futurama with a writing pad in my lap) I realized that the best thing I could do was to lay it all out there. And, for comics fans, that almost always starts with Supes!

“He’s just a big Kansas-born hillbilly!” I stated down the phone through a mouthful of last night’s leftovers. The dull, static tone of my landline accentuated the silence that followed my nonchalant statement and if recovering from the initial shock, artist and friend Scorpio Steele took a deep breath and began. Now, I could relate his next words near verbatim, but instead I’ll dial down the thirty minute rebuttal into a monosyllabic phrase that even Oz from Buffy would be proud of.

“Are you nuts?”

Enjoying this? Then read the rest of it on my monthly column on at the link below: