Oh Mr. Cameron, although I still haven’t forgiven you for making Titanic the largest grossing movie of all time and Oscar hog (till Jackson and NZ crew tied you with ROTK), you did make a large portion of the good Sci-Fi movies to come from my childhood (not that I watched them then Mum and Dad, honest). And in the spirit of full disclosure, Titanic was a pretty good yarn, and it stopped Shrek from taking the top spot - so you are forgiven for being one of the only people on this earth to make a movie seemingly everyone likes, you smug git… Sorry, that was uncalled for. And now, here we are ten years on and like little Charlie Bucket standing, coughing and wheezing at the front gates, listening to faint whizzing and whirring coming from within your closed factory, I brimmed with anticipatory salivation at what fantastic morsel you were cooking up next. And to stretch my analogy for all it’s worth, when the chance to snag a golden ticket for “Avatar Day” I got ready to do whatever it would take to get a spot inside your world. Luckily it only consisted of sitting online and furiously pounding the F5 key on my laptop, instead of causing the onset of diabetes from all that chocolate like Wonka caused. I’ll also forgive you, Mr. Cameron for causing the servers to crash probably due to overwhelming demand for these tickets, as I finally, after the deadline closed for tickets, found myself unwrapping the flash intro of your site to find staring back at me two tickets for your 15 minute sneak-peak of Avatar! You’re still not forgiven for putting things into motion that would cause Arnie to become “Governater” of California. No, I can’t grant you penance for that. But on everything else we’re good...
Enjoying this? Then read the rest of my review of Avatar: Sneak-Peak, on comicnews.info at the link below: